Is your self worth feeling low? Have you ever thought that if you had better self-esteem, your life would be different?
If so, think again, writes Hamilton’s Dr. Parmjit Singh in the current issue of The Health-Q, an online wellness newsletter.
Singh says recent research suggests self-esteem may not matter much.
“Self-esteem,” he writes, “has become another thing on our ‘to-get list.'”
A change in perspective is needed, he says. “We suffer from low self-esteem not because we do not have it, but because years of comparative thinking and conditioning have obscured our authentic inner self.
“In order to have healthy self-esteem … all we need to do is peel off the layers of conditioning and false identifications we have accumulated through life experiences.
“Once you do that, you will find that you always had it. It was just lying buried under your false perceptions and wrong-headed identifications.”
Added notes: It looks like that research related to the self-esteem is still echoing the point made above after 20 years (in 2025). Self-esteem is tricky issue and we often fall victim to its commodified version and dive head over heels to better our self taking cues from material yardsticks.
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