I have been offering life coaching to some of the students at McMaster University for the last thirteen years through a credit academic course title ‘Body, Mind, Spirit’. Watch the following video to see what we do in those classes.Read more
I have been offering life coaching to some of the students at McMaster University for the last thirteen years through a credit academic course title ‘Body, Mind, Spirit’. Watch the following video to see what we do in those classes.Read more
Attention is the backbone of our life. And the way we pay attention and where we pay attention long enough largely determine the curvature, depth and richness of our life. I was invited as one of TEDx speaker by McMaster University students in the March of 2013 to speak. I chose to speak on theRead more
We carry a lot of stress in our body these days. This stress may start to manifest itself in various aches and pains and, worse, may even bubble into serious diseases if left alone to exacerbate. Spending sometime in body scan or yoga nidra can be greatly helpful in resetting the body’s rhythm and allowingRead more
Finding inner peace is simple and easy as long as we understand certain basic principles of living. This lecture deal with those principles. Enjoy it. Finding Inner Peace With love, ParmjitRead more
All our stress reduction, wellness, self-compassion & leadership development offerings are modeled on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program and mind-body medicine therapies, Harvard Medical School, USA.
We are committed to the idea of service by helping to develop a sustainable, wholesome, equitable and harmonious community by way of appropriate role modelling and actions.