With anxiety and depression ratcheted up among individuals, it is worth asking what works best for its mitigation. Is there something which could work effectively in conjunction or in lieu of medication when it comes to addressing these debilitating and potentially life-altering conditions related to depression?
Mindfulness has been around the block for depression symptoms, ruminations and anxiety. However, questions keep on arising on its value and effectiveness or what does it do it to address these challenges.
A recent study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health explored the impact of mindfulness on ruminations and suggested that mindfulness based interventions (MBIs) “… are effective in the treatment of depression as they produce pleasant improvement in rumination and depression, decrease the degree of anxiety, and enhance mindfulness levels compared to controls.” Since this was a meta-analysis based on randomized controlled studies, its results are more likely to be robust, indicating that there is an enhanced value in learning to be mindful.
Given the results of studies, it seems likely that depression symptoms are safely reduced with mindfulness training and coaching. If you are interested in learning about mindfulness, Check out our YouTube Channel and Upcoming coaching and training programs on this website.