Mondays can be interesting: they offer us a chance to start again. Little differently than we finished the Friday before or even last Monday. This day provide us an opportunity, week after week, to hyphenate the calendar with an intention that can change the course of life. The very thing (brain’s flaws) that put us on the treadmill of self-repeating negative patterns and emotions (habits) can also be our savior. And that is our brain; that four pound of gooey stuff sitting between our ears choreographing large part of our day to day life.
Our brain has some interesting attributes: various strengths and some limitations. One of those being its limited attentional resources (that it is biologically impossible for the brain to attend to multiple things at the same time). Though that sounds like a limitation (especially if you are thinking multitasking), yet we can use this very limitation (brain’s flaw) to our advantage by learning to direct our attention to wholesome things.
In mindfulness practice, we exploit this limitation to our advantage by training our brain to intentionally focus on the matters of the present moment. Each time we do that, we begin to peel away from the tyranny of past memories and future worries(habits). With practice, we start to experience a bit of freedom from the emotional burdens. It is like a light at the end of the tunnel, howsoever long that tunnel is.
Moment by moment, we begin to peel away all those habits/patterns/reactions that has become a source of suffering.