Recommendations for starting meditation practice. Here are some:
Be playful
– Learn to laugh and do meditation in a playful manner.
– Do not make it a serious business except being disciplined.
– It is enjoyable and pleasurable pursuit.
Do not expect quick results
– Be patient. Expecting quick results hampers the growth.
Use enough space for practice
– Stay away from physical clutter.
– Earmark a spot for practice.
Choose a right place and time to practice
– Use a congenial spot to meditate.
– Try to practice at same time each day.
Assume comfortable posture
– Do not get caught in postures.
– You do not have to slip into a Lotus pose for reaping benefits of meditation.
– Just keep your head and torso erect and in straight line.
Begin with light physical exercise or catharsis
– Do a short exercise or dance.
– Catharsis helps to eliminate initial negative feelings.
The above recommendations for starting a meditation practice are a starting point. Start with simple practice and let it guide you through your own personal experience.
Some Important points:
- Avoid shopping experience
- Stick with one techniques for a little while, at least few months
- Don’t change instructors, unless necessary
- Focus on learning the basic technique very well before moving forward
- Be sincere in your practice.