by Parmjit Singh, PhD
Most of us carry emotional burden around our necks even during pleasure traveling and this potentially can prevent us from enjoyment. Letting go is a chance to say adieu to those negatives experiences and start afresh once again. Carlos Castaneda rightly puts it, “We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” Letting go helps us in the latter.
Sit or lie down comfortably where there are fewer distractions. Relax your breathing, feel the breeze on your face, birds chirping or whatever nature has to offer you around. Let your senses be awake, alive and receptive. Once you feel comfortably relaxed and free, focus your mind on the entire burden you are carrying and let it go. Set it free.
Benefits: This exercise helps us to deal with our past regrets, guilt feelings, toxic emotions and tend to bolster our self-esteem. Letting go of emotional burden helps us in maintaining health and wellbeing