How this program is different from other similar programs on the market? Our program is multi-dimensional and borne out of a synthesis of various professional streams. Therefore whatever changes it brings about in your work culture will be more enduring and lasting. We treat the person in toto and help him/her develop lasting mental-emotional attributesRead more
Some of the companies we have provided services to: Scotia Bank, Canada [Read Comments] McMaster University, Canada [Read Comments] [See Ratings] [Read Comments] [See Ratings] (Corporate References are available upon request)Read more
IMPORTANT NOTE: All our health and wellness programs are modeled after but not affiliated with clinical programs of Benson-Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA. All prices are in Canadian Dollar All the programs are hands-on and experiential and come with working manuals, handouts and appropriate aids to maximizeRead more
All our stress reduction, wellness, self-compassion & leadership development offerings are modeled on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program and mind-body medicine therapies, Harvard Medical School, USA.
We are committed to the idea of service by helping to develop a sustainable, wholesome, equitable and harmonious community by way of appropriate role modelling and actions.